Welcome to the Gallery of Norman Reedus
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Norman Reedus’ photographs are beautiful and terrifying, macabre and provoking, alternately dark and sublime. The recurring theme in his images is making the disturbing beautiful. His work has been exhibited in Europe and in the United States; Berlin, Hamburg, New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. A compilation of his photographs have been published in a limited edition collector’s volume titled The Sun’s Coming Up…Like a Big Bald Head (Authorscape 2013).

Norman knows how to use the flat surface. He imbues it with the physicality that he knows as an actor, the spatial sense when you’re moving around in that rectangle. The spontaneity of live action next to the STILLness of death, fake, stuffed…real.

— Kim Gordon.


"Norman Reedus Artist Profile: True Grit" - The Purist

"Norman Reedus Interview from Issue No. 24 - Identity" - Musèe Magazine

"Norman Reedus on his foray into photography" - Feature Shoot

"'Walking Dead's' Norman Reedus and cat art? We're there!" - USA Today

"The Cat Art Show in Los Angeles Returns with an Unexpected Celebrity Participant" - Artnet News

"Q&A With The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus" - Haute Living

"‘Walking Dead’ Star Norman Reedus Walks Us Through 5 Images From His Photography Show" - Wall Street Journal

"Watch: ‘The Walking Dead’ Star Norman Reedus Talks Season 6, Fan Art and New Motorcycle Series" - Variety

"'The Walking Dead's' Norman Reedus Explains How He Finds Beauty In The Dark and Disturbing" -Playboy 

"Norman Reedus’ L.A. opening attracts photography and zombie fans alike" - Night Flight 

"Norman Reedus’ Real Life and Undead Photography" - The Creators Project

"Daryl Clicks-on! Norman Reedus attends meet and greet at exhibit of his photography at Voila! Gallery in Los Angeles" - The Daily Mail

"Norman Reedus Photography Exhibition @ Voila! Gallery in Los Angeles" - Autre Magazine


"Please thank Norman for putting up "Thanks" at an affordable price for fans that could not otherwise afford to buy a piece of his work. I'm so thrilled to have an actual limited edition signed piece by him you have no idea! This is the best present I have bought to spoil myself after a rough couple of years. It makes me very happy!" - Melissa 

"Thank you so much! The print arrived the other day. He is going to Iove it - it's perfect for his office. Have a wonderful weekend!" -Vanessa

"I just bought "THANKS" for my wife.  That's fucking awesome!  It reminded me of a photo of my Decon Team when we were deployed to Saudi Arabia back in '03.  I thought you might like it. I'm the dude in Ponch glasses firing a double barrel bird. Keep up the good work man." - Lance K.

"It looks “ueber” cool, my husband and I love it and the cats even appreciated the box! Will keep an eye out for more." - Antje K.

"I just received it a few hours ago, my mom is going to love it. It's so awesome. I love the metal glossy picture it is amazing. Thank you so much, everything was excellent from the time I ordered to the time of delivery and for it to be autographed it's even more special. Thank You so much..." - Barbara S.

"THANKS #9 made home safely last week - Thanks so much for that! I think the way you wrapped the picture up and packed it is pretty perfect - two thumbs up, keep that going!!!" - Vanessa R.

"My parcel was finally delivered this morning! It's gone straight up on the wall. It's lovely." - Tammy C. 

"Got it and love it!!!  Thanks... next time I want the 1st edition!!!  Lol! Let me know when something comes out!" - Nawal N.

"The shipment arrived in time and looks great! Thank you! My Husband is going to be so surprised and happy!" - Tiffany G.

"Hi, I have received it without any problem. It was birthday present for my wife. We're so excited. “THANKS” a lot!" - Jun A



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